There are many methods for continuous integration.Many tools are available online like BuddyBuild and Bitrise.

What is Continuous integration:

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early. By integrating regularly, you can detect errors quickly, and locate them more easily.


I started with buddy-build, Although Its providing many amazing feature like crash report that also email 15 seconds video before crash and analytical tools. BuddyBuild also provides increase version number, automatic manage the provision profile , automatic manage certificates and other features. You can integrate bitbucket, GitHub and gitlab in buddy build. But the problem with buddybuild that it’s not free. Its used for organization ou must have either paid plan or organization plan.


Bitrise is another amazing tools for continuous integration. You must have to sign-in using GitHub for this app

  • Create an account at Bitrise.
  • Click the + sign on the top menu bar and select Add app.
  • On the Create New App page, choose the account under which you’d like to create the app project. Depending on your use, this may need to be your organization’s account.
  • Set the privacy of the app to Private and click Next.
  • Select Github and select Organizations’ Repos, then select the repository for the app you’re trying to add.
  • When prompted to set up repository access, click No, auto-add SSH key. If that doesn’t work, copy the provided SSH key and visit SSH and GPG keys page on Github. Click New SSH key and add the provided key. More info on SSH keys.
  • Type the name of the branch that includes your project’s configuration — debug, for example — then click Next.
  • Wait while Bitrise validates your project. Bitrise looks for your configuration files and sets up your app based on them. In the case of an iOS app, it’s looking for your Xcode project (.xcodeproj) or Xcode workspace (.xcworkspace) path.

And run the configuration it will run test automatic


Travis is basic tool for Continuous integration. As like other tool First signing usinggithib on

  • Create the YAML File and post below line in that

     language: swift
     osx_image: xcode10.1
     xcode_workspace: UnitTestTutorial.xcodeproj
     xcode_scheme: UnitTestTutorial
      xcode_destination: platform=iOS Simulator,OS=12.1,name=iPhone X

Name the ymlfile as “.travis.yml” it will give error that you cannot name a file using dot for that use below tricks In finder press command+shift+. to toggle hidden files visibility.

Upload that file and run from configuration build It will run test cases automatic

For Travis For bitwise